Conference and Mirror via Network
How Can I Collaborate with Others?

The Conference Mode enables multiple users who are physically remote to be together virtually in the same present4D VR-Suite project using internet synchronization. A laser pointer dot with their name underneath shows where each user is looking in the project. Audio can be submitted via voice over IP. Conferencing works for all VR-Suite compatible devices like PC, Mac, Smartphones and tablets, in both VR- and non-VR-Mode!
The Conferencing feature is ideal for guiding others through a VR scene, such as for investigative case reviews, pre-trial hearings, trainings, marketing presentations, virtual company tours, construction site consultations, product presentations, and much more.
Inside the Conference, the Leader is represented with a green symbol and all other attendees, the Followers, have a red laser pointer dot. There are two main commands:
Follow - This is used to bring a participant back to the group if a Follower has lost the others.
Lead - This is used by the Leader to bring all participants back to one Scene. The Lead command can also be used by a Follower to bring all others to his or her position to share what they are viewing.
Using a Conference in Viewer Mode
See chapter Using the Conference
Start a Conference

Preparations for using a Conference
Start Conference
If you start a Conference, your device will be the host of this Conference. Other users who have downloaded the same Project to their device can join your Conference after launching the Project.
Start VR-Suite
Choose Start Conference
At the next screen you can select other options or launch a Conference directly by selecting the right arrow on the bottom right.
Additional Options:
- Conference
Select a name for your Conference. This name will be provided via internet connection in the Conference menu at Enter Conference
- Password
Protect your Conference with a password. This can be useful when several presentations of the same project take place at the same time over the internet. This does not work with local Conferences.
- Username
Enter your name to be displayed during this Conference.
Enter Conference
If another User has started a Conference it will be displayed after launching the Project at your device.
Launch the correct VR-Suite project
Wait in the Conference menu until Enter Conference: my conference appears.
Select Enter Conference: my conference
Changed to the next screen you can launch a Conference directly by selecting the right arrow on the bottom right.
If you can not see the option screen to enter the conference, please inform your Project partner to do all Preparations for using a Conference.
Additional Options:
- Password
Enter the password if one is set.
- Username
Enter your name to be displayed during this Conference.
Control a Conference
The leader of a Conference can be recognized by the green laser pointer. The leader sees his own laser pointer as a green arrow, in case the Location contains Guided Tour HotSpots. All other participants see themselves as red arrows pointing toward the direction of the leader. This makes finding the leader easy.
All participants but the leader will be known as followers. The red arrow always points toward the leader which makes it easy to find him.
Conference Controls

In a conference every participant can become a leader if necessary.
In non VR mode you will find the Conference controls in the lower right corner.
In VR mode follow these steps to find the Conference controls:
Do the gesture to obtain the iMenu icon. (Look straight forward and move the head downward)
Move your head towards the i but don’t move the cursor onto the i. (You do not want to open the iMenu.)
Left of the i the Conference controls will open.
Settle your cursor onto the word Conference in order to view the options in comfort.
You have the following options:
- Microphone
Use Voice over IP to speak with the other participants of the conference
- Lead
You will be the leader. All other participants are moved to your viewpoint.
- Follow
If you lost the leader, your viewpoint will be moved to the leader’s viewpoint.
- Laser
Toggles the visibility of your laser pointer at you and all participants
- Hotkeys
Lead = m
Laser = l
Voice over IP
Use voice over IP to speak with the other participants of the conference.
To achieve a good voice quality we recommend the use of a headset
Start VoIP
Click on the red microphone icon in the Conference Controls
Select the correct audio source in the following dialog
The microphone icon is now displayed in green
Please use a headset for good call quality.
Stop VoIP
Click on the green microphone icon to turn off audio transmission.
Synchronize Slideshows
With Conference Slideshow Sync the leader can open and control the Slideshows for all participants. Video spooling is not yet synchronized.
Mirror a View to a PC or Device
What is “Mirror via Network”?
Mirror the view of a mobile VR headset onto a PC, Mac, Tablet or Smart Phone to enable an audience to observe what is seen in the glasses. The devices can be connected via internet or local network (e.g. using a Wifi Pocket Router in Access Point mode). The observing device will start the conference, so it has to be started first.
1. Start the Observing Device (Desktop or Smart Device)
Choose Tab Settings
Choose Conference Mode: or .
Choose Mirror via Network:
Restart the VR-Suite
The PC will automatically start the Conference Mode!
In this mode, the device cannot be controlled, as it is remote controlled
In order to exit the mode temporarily: Crtl + w. No VR glasses must be connected. Otherwise the PC cannot be operated with the mouse.
To enable the mode temporarily: While starting a Conference use a Conference name which includes “@@”.
You can disable or enable the mode permanently only from the settings tab: Mirror via Network.
See also the settings for Mirror via Network
2. Start Additional Participants on other Devices (View Sending Device)
You can now join the Conference with multiple devices. The receiving device will display the view of the Conference leader “view sending device”.
Restart the VR-Suite
Enter Conference
It is important to start the receiving device first!
If you can not see the option screen to enter the conference, please inform your Project partner to do all Preparations for using a Conference.
See also how to setup the automatic joining of Conferences Conference Mode
Screen Saver - Mirror via Network
If you use the Mirror via Network mode, such as at a trade show, it is possible to display a screensaver movie when the VR headset is not active for a while.
The screensaver will not end if more than two devices are connected to each other.
How to configure a Screensaver
Technical Background
Device independent Conferences
The following devices can participate in a Conference:
PC in desktop mode
PC with Oculus Rift, HTC Vive or Windows MR headset
Samsung Gear VR
Oculus Go
Cardboard Android in VR mode
Cardboard Android without VR headset
Cardboard iOS in VR Mode
Cardboard iOS without VR headset
Mac OSX in non VR mode
Data and Traffic
To be able to start a Conference on multiple devices, you must install the VR-Suite onto all participating devices and download the required presentation. During a Conference, only the movement information will be transmitted, as the media data is already present on the device. This makes it possible to participate in a Conference even with a slow internet connection.
Online and Offline
The Conference can be started through the internet or in a local LAN.
Important note about Wifi & LAN & Firewalls
The firewall, anti virus tools or blocked ports can hinder the function of the Conference Mode. Smartphone HotSpots generally work well. Make sure you don’t accidentally use up your available data volume.
See also Network Communication
To use a Conference offline, use a high quality router without internet connection. This can lead to a more stable function during trade fairs or similar events.
Troubleshooting for Conference and Mirror via Network
- I can not see the Conference.
Check your Antivirus settings
Check Network Communication
Disable Epic Games Launcher, because it uses the same port
Disable Update Notifier (Magix), because it uses the same port
- After joining a Conference i can not see the Laser Dots
Check your Antivirus settings
Check Network Communication
- The iMenu is not displayed in Mirror via Network Mode
This is correct, the iMenu is currently not mirrored.
- The Quiz is not displayed in Mirror via Network Mode
This is correct, the Quiz is currently not mirrored.
Video Tutorials
Visit our Youtube Tutorial Video Channel