What can i do with a Quiz?

A present4D VR-Suite Quiz is a single - or multiple choice test done with the build-in Quiz Editor. This new and very flexible feature can be used for
Explorative self learning purposes
Certify users in e-learning Projects or safety trainings
Collect feedback from customers on products, services or the current VR presentation.
In every Quiz three Slide Types are available:
- Info Slide
Write a welcome note as introduction or
Give some text information between the questions
- Question Slide
Add Single or Multiple Choice Questions
Define how many points a user can get for the correct answer.
Define if an Answering Page should be shown or not.
- Score Slide
Display the Result of the Quiz: “Congratulation: you have 45 of 50 points.”
Add Result Variants and manage more meaningful result pages: Variant Page 1: “10 of 50 points, try again to get your certificate.” Variant Page 2: “45 of 50 points, great, you will receive your certificate via email.”
Manage Quizzes
Create a Quiz
choose the tab Multimedia
In Bottom line choose Quiz
Close iMenu
Click on Gear Symbol upper left to the Quiz Infospot Button.
Expert Mode

When Expert Mode is off, some features are hidden to make everything easier to use.
Depending on your license type, Expert Mode is activated, deactivated or not available by default.
Delete a Quiz
choose the tab Multimedia
Click on the Trash Bin at the right. Important: You can’t restore the deleted Quiz!
Duplicate a Quiz
Go to the location folder, where the quiz is located
Copy the quiz folder to the clipboard
Paste the quiz to the desired new position and rename it.
, in the upper-right of the iMenu, to initialize the new quiz.
Saved Quiz Results
Every user action is stored at data_myProject/QuizResults.csv
file and can be sent via email if set at Database Action on Quiz End.
All results will be saved into the same line in the .csv
Even if several quizzes are used throughout the project, all results are written to the same line in the .csv
A line is equal to the current user.
A new line is created after starting the VR-Suite or by setting Database Action on Quiz End.
See also Evaluation of Quiz Results
Page Type - Info Slide
To change text click on it and select with keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + a and enter text. All changes will be saved imminently.

Create and delete Slides
+ Info = Create a new Slide with descriptive text
+ Question = Create a new Slide with question and answers
+ Score = Create a new Slide with scores. Only one single Score Slide can be used. But its possible to create result variants at the Score Slide.
Trash = Delete current Slide
Open online documentation = Launch the online manual in web browser. (Internet connection necessary)
Headline Box = Enter the Headline of the Slide
Arrange Slide Order
Arrow up = Move current Slide one back
Arrow down = Move current Slide one forward
prev. slide = Name of previous Slide
next slide = Name of next Slide
Background Image = Choose a back ground image for this Slide. Use a
file with preferred 1280x720 pixel. (up to 1920x1080 pixel).Delete Background Image = Reset to the default background
Content Box = Enter a welcome note or a description
Answer Page = Show or hide an Answer Page with the correct answers after every question.
Prevent Closing = Show or hide the x – button to prevent closing the Quiz by accident.
Next Slide / previous Slide = go to the corresponding Slide
Database Action on Quiz End
Create new Dataset = All results will be saved into the same line in the
file. Enable this feature to create a new line for the next user after closing this Quiz.Mail to = Enter an email address to send the
file after closing this Quiz. Please check your mail account for double-opt-in mail. See also spam folder.
Reset Database now = Deletes all entries in the
file. You should reset the Database after changing the Quiz. This action can not be undone!Preview = What you see is what you get preview to test functionality of Quiz
Page Number = Current page / total pages
Expert Mode = Enable or diasable Expert Mode.
Page Type - Question Slide
See chapter Page Type - Info Slide for general information about interface elements!

Question Slide = Add a Slide for a question and the answers
Single/Multiple/Text = Single: Only one answer (round boxes), Multiple: multiple answers (angular boxes), Text: the user can write an own answer or an identification.
Points = Define how many points the user get for correct answer of this Slide.
Answer Page = Show or hide an Answer Page with the correct answers after every question.
Check Boxes = Check box on to mark correct answers
Add Answer = Click to enter text of a new answer. Press return to add the answer.
X = Delete this answer
Page Type - Answer Page Slide
See chapter Page Type - Info Slide for general information about interface elements!

Setting Answer Page (see Question Slide) must be set to . In this example case the wrong answer was chosen.
X Button = Close Quiz. When opening the next time you start at question one again.
= Indicates the correct answer in terms of content
= Indicates an incorrectly set response
Page Type - Score Slide
See chapter Page Type - Info Slide for general information about interface elements!

Score = Create a new Slide with scores. Only one single Score Slide can be used. But its possible to create result variants at the Score Slide.
Result Variant 1/1 = Number of the current result Variant. You can add multiple variants depending on the reached score.
Add = Add a Score Slide Variant.
Remove = Delete current Score Slide Variant.
Show when Score > = Criteria for showing current Variant of the Score Slide, if higher than chosen value
%: Decide whether to show the score as total points or a percentage.
Global: Choose if the displayed score is just from this quiz or a summary of all quizzes.
Add Text = Click on Score or Score Max to enter the value variables into the text area.
Evaluation of Quiz Results
The results of the quiz are stored in a .csv
file: Saved Quiz Results
This file can be opened with a spreadsheet editor such as Microsoft Excel or Google Spreadsheet.
Column Organization within the .csv File
- Session ID
A unique identifier to distinguish between answering sessions.
- Device Name
The name of the device used to answer the test.
- Project Name
The name of the project in which the quiz is located.
- Q_#
Title of the quiz. The ‘#’ indicates the number identifier of the series.
- Q_#_Points
The amounts of points scored in the quiz.
- Q_#_MaxPoints
The total amount of points that can be scored in the quiz.
- Q_#_$
A question. The ‘$’ indicates the number identifier of the question.
- Q_#_$_Type
The type of question, either Single Choice or Multiple-choice.
- Q_#_$_Answers
The possible answers displayed for this question. Answers are separated by a ‘_’.
- Q_#_$_Answers Correct
The correct answer or answers to the questions. Answers are separated by a ‘_’.
- Q_#_$_Answers Chosen
The answers picked by the user.
- Q_#_$_Points
The points earned by the user for this question.
- Q_#_$_Max Points
The total amount of points that can be earned for this question.
Quiz with certification PDF - for Advanced users only
An example project with a pdf example will be delivered in January. Please give us a hint if this item is urgent for you.
Global Score
It is now possible to handle several quizzes spread over different panoramas.
Show the score at the score page for the current Quiz or collected over all Quizzes.
Choose if the score is shown in points or as percentage.
Enable Certificate Generation
To enable certificate generation for a quiz, you have to place a certificate-template in the corresponding
within yourdata
folder.The name has to be
The generated certificates are save in a
Directory within yourdata
folder.If the quiz that generates the certificates has Result-Sending via E-Mail enabled, the certificate for the current User will also be included.

If you have multiple quizzes in your project, but only the last one should generate the certificate, you must place the certificate-template in the directory of that last quiz.
Creating a Certificate Template
Certificate Templates are PDF-Files with Acrobat Form text field which will be automatically filled in during the Certificate Generation. For more Information on how to create a PDF Files with Acrobat Form Elements, see the offical Tutorial by Adobe: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/create-form.html
How to have fields filled-in automatically
To automatically fill in information when generating the certificate, the templates needs to contain additional information for each text field, that tells the generator which information it should fill in. This information is given to the generator by giving the text fields special names which contain instructions that the generator understands:

Which functions do exist?
The list below contains all existing functions.
Insert the current Date and/or Time
You can have the current date and/or time filled in using the current_date() function.
By default, the function will insert the current date in this format: Day/Month/Year This can be changed by using the two optional parameters Date_Format and Culture_Info.
More Information on these parameters and possible values can be found in the DateTime.ToString for .Net3.5: https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/dotnet/api/system.datetime.tostring?view=netframework-3.5
- current_date(Date_Format = “d”, Culture_Info = “en_GB”)
current_date() -> 01/10/2008 current_date("d", "de-DE") -> 01.10.2008 current_date("D", "de-DE") ->Mittwoch, 1. Oktober 2008 current_date("g", "de-DE") -> 01.10.2008 17:04:32 current_date("g", "en-US") -> 10/1/2008 5:04:32 PM current_date("t", "de-DE") -> 17:04 current_date("t", "en-US") -> 5:04 PM current_date("dd-MM-yy", "de-DE") -> 17-08-00
Insert Values from Quiz
Any information that is stored in the Quiz Result CSV-File can be included in the Certificate using the quiz_value() function.
The generator will always pick the value for the last user that was saved in the CSV-file (the most recent data).
- quiz_value(CSV_Column_Name)
Insert Variables from Custom Logic
Any Custom Logic variable can be filled into a text field using the custom_logic_value() function.
By default, it will just insert the raw variable value in its string representation. This can be changed to certain alternative representations using the optional “Format”-parameter. Formats can have their own optional parameters which can be added behind the Format Parameter.
For the examples below, we assume that following Custom Logic variables with then shown values exist:
“MyCounter” = “5.3612”
“MyTimer” = “5”
“MyText” = “Test Value”
- custom_logic_value(Variable_Name, Format = “string”, …)
custom_logic_value("MyCounter") -> 5.3612 custom_logic_value("MyTimer") -> 5 custom_logic_value("MyText") -> Test Value
- custom_logic_value(Variable_Name, “dec”, Pattern = “n2”)
The “dec” Format shows the values a decimal number that can be rounded to any number of decimal places using the Pattern parameter. Default is rounding to 2 places. See this documentation for possible Values: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/standard-numeric-format-strings?redirectedfrom=MSDN
The “dec” format can only be used for numbers not text.
custom_logic_value("MyCounter", "dec") -> 5.36 custom_logic_value("MyCounter", "dec", "n3") -> 5.361 custom_logic_value("MyTimer", "dec") -> 5.00 custom_logic_value("MyTimer", "dec", "n3") -> 5.000 custom_logic_value("MyText", "dec") -> INVALID PARAMETER
- custom_logic_value(Variable_Name, “time”, InputUnit= “s”)
Shows the variable value in a time span representation.
The format is always: [-][d.]hh:mm:ss[.fffffff]
With bracketed parts being only shown if required (negative sign, days and milliseconds)
- Possible InputUnit-values are:
“ms” for milliseconds
“s” for seconds
“m” for minutes
“h” for hours
“d” for days
For simplicity, we are assuming that “MyTimer” has a value of “5” ! (Decimal places work too, though)
custom_logic_value("MyTimer ", "time") -> 00:00:05 custom_logic_value("MyTimer ", "time", "s") -> 00:00:05 custom_logic_value("MyTimer ", "time", "ms") -> 00:00:00.0005 custom_logic_value("MyTimer ", "time", "m") -> 00:05:00 custom_logic_value("MyTimer ", "time", "h") -> 05:00:00 custom_logic_value("MyTimer ", "time", "d") -> 5.00:00:00 custom_logic_value("MyCounter", "time", "ms") -> 00:00:05.3612 custom_logic_value("MyText", "time") -> INVALID PARAMETER
- signature()
This textfield will be replaced by a signature of the user (if activated in quiz settings) The size of the textfield will define the maximum size of the signature in the pdf, while it will retain its aspect ratio.
- image(RelativeImagePath)
Works like signature() but can display any .jpg file.
The size of the textfield will define the maximum size of the signature in the pdf, while it will retain its aspect ratio.
- RelativeImagePath Restrictions:
Path must be relative to your data-folder (not the quiz folder!)
Path must be without the file ending. Only “.jpg” files work.
Keep the image size small! - Large files lead to very noticeable freezes of the application!
image("1_1/firstlocation") -> shows 1_1/firstlocation.jpeg
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